Guest Director’s Letter: An Invitation To Serve on a Peer Review Group To Help Maximize the Potential and Promise of the Biomedical Research Community
Dear Colleagues,
If you have a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, you are likely thankful for the researchers who volunteered to review your grant application because they helped the NIH see its merit and fund it. At the NIH Center for Scientific Review, we are thankful for the 17,000 principal investigators who did their part last year and served on our peer review groups. Other reviewers served on peer review groups organized by the NIAMS and other NIH Institutes and Centers.
Image: Richard Nakamura, Ph.D., Director, NIH Center for Scientific Review.
Updated NIAMS 2017 Funding Plan Now Available
The NIAMS is operating under the FY 2017 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The funding plan for research and training grants represents the most current information available. However, many factors can affect the operating policies, and they are subject to change.
2018 NIAMS Congressional Justification Now Available
The Congressional Justification submitted by the NIAMS complements the President's budget request by explaining the Institute's mission, highlighting recent research accomplishments and future initiatives and providing comparative budget data for the previous, current and upcoming fiscal years. Brief descriptions of the Institute's Extramural and Intramural Research Programs are also included, along with overviews of key research support activities. Additionally, a series of Program Portraits are included that highlight accomplishments and future directions of selected activities funded by the Institute.
NIAMS Request for Applications for Rheumatic Diseases Research Resource-Based Centers (P30)
The NIAMS requests applications for the NIAMS Resource-Based Centers Program (P30) for rheumatic diseases research areas within its mission. The Resource-Based Centers will provide critical research infrastructure, shared facilities, services and/or resources to groups of investigators conducting research on rheumatic diseases. Applications are due on October 3, 2017.
Launching the Next Generation Researchers Initiative To Strengthen the Biomedical Research Enterprise
In May, NIH Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., wrote about the NIH’s plans to establish a policy to address a biomedical research workforce dangerously out of balance by using a new measure called the Grant Support Index. After soliciting feedback on these plans from the scientific community, the NIH decided to shift toward a more focused approach to bolster support to early- and mid-career investigators while continuing to work with experts on approaches to evaluate the NIH research portfolio. In recognition of the call for such action in the 21st Century Cures Act, the NIH has named this effort the Next Generation Researchers Initiative.
Germ Cell Formation in Mice Relies on RNA Clearance Mechanism
All of our cells contain the same genetic material. Decades of research have revealed that the distinctions arise as a result of differential gene expression—different parts of the DNA are used, or “expressed,” in each kind of cell. Investigators led by Markus Hafner, Ph.D., head of the RNA Molecular Biology Group in the NIAMS Intramural Research Program, and Thomas Tuschl, Ph.D., professor at The Rockefeller University, have revealed new clues about how this process occurs.
Image: Markus Hafner, Ph.D., on the importance of RNA and RNA-binding proteins in gene expression and disease.
Sunscreen: How To Help Protect Your Skin From the Sun
As a product regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), sunscreens must pass certain tests before they are sold. But how you use this product, and what other protective measures you take, make a difference in how well you are able to protect yourself and your family from sunburn, skin cancer, early skin aging and other risks of overexposure to the sun.
Photo credit: FDA.
Spotlight on Scientific Imagery: Regulators of Bone Stem Cells
This image shows bone regeneration on a site receiving treated bone-forming stem cells in mice. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin in Madison identified two key proteins that can be used to prime bone-forming stem cells for bone regeneration. More new bone was generated in the mice receiving treated cells than in those receiving untreated cells. This finding may lead to new treatments for regenerating bone lost to injury or disease.
Photo credit: Wan-ju Li, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Madison.
Juvenile Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis: Arthritis Clinical Trials Funded by the NIAMS
More than 54 million people in the United States live with some form of arthritis. Visit these links to learn more about ongoing NIAMS-funded arthritis clinical trials and resources:
- List of (“arthritis” and “NIAMS”) Currently Recruiting Clinical Trials
- NIH Clinical Research Trials and You
- Los estudios clínicos (NIAMS)
Photo credit: Richard Clark, NIAMS.
Would Your Child Benefit From a Clinical Trial?
If you are considering a clinical trial for your child, or if your doctor suggests your child enroll in one, what can you expect?
Photo credit: FDA.
June NIAMS Advisory Council Meeting
The June 21 NIAMS Advisory Council archived videocast is available in the Past Events section of the NIH Videocasting website.
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Advocacy Day—Partnering With Patients for Smarter Science
June 30, 2017
NIH Campus, Bethesda, MD
Cost: Free
Additional information is available here.
NIH Science Lectures and Events Available via Internet
The NIH hosts a number of science seminars and events that are available online through real-time streaming video (videocast). The NIH calendar notes these videocast events with a video icon .
Funding Announcements
If you would like information about funding opportunities, please view the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, the primary source for information about NIH funding opportunities. You can also request a weekly Table of Contents from the NIH Guide. In addition, the NIAMS website provides comprehensive information on NIAMS-related grants and processes.