June 16, 2009
Office of Communications and Public Liaison
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Clinical Project Funding Opportunities: Deadline August 3, 2009
Ancillary Studies to Large Ongoing Clinical Projects (R01)
Letters of Intent Receipt Date: July 3, 2009
Application Due Date: August 3, 2009
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits grant applications that propose to conduct time-sensitive studies ancillary to privately or publicly funded large ongoing clinical projects. The ancillary studies can address any new research questions related to the mission of NIAMS for which an ongoing clinical trial, observational study or disease registry can provide a sufficient cohort of well-characterized patients, infrastructure, data or biological samples.
The purpose of this FOA is to provide a flexible mechanism to facilitate the development of meritorious ancillary studies to leverage the established resources offered by the already-funded parent projects and maximize the return on the existing investments in these large clinical studies. Successful ancillary studies will enhance the scientific content and value of the parent projects, improve the understanding of the underlying mechanism of a disease or organ system in the NIAMS portfolio, and thus identify novel targets for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
Ancillary Studies to Large Ongoing Clinical Projects (R21)
Letters of Intent Receipt Date: July 3, 2009
Application Due Date: August 3, 2009
This FOA runs parallel to RFA-AR-10-010 and has an identical scientific scope. However, this FOA uses the NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21) award mechanism. Applications in response to this announcement will support innovative, ground-breaking projects with potential for significant impact. Projects not suitable for this program are ones specifically to develop preliminary data for longer-term projects in a well-established research area, or pilot projects that are less than highly innovative.
Investigators with projects of limited time and scope that do not meet these characteristics of innovative, ground-breaking research should consider applying instead for a small Research Project Grant (R01), through the accompanying FOA for NIAMS R01 grants for ancillary studies (RFA-AR-10-010). The R21 is not a “starter” grant for new investigators, and such investigators may be better served by applying for an R01. (See the definition of new investigators and additional information.)
Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the appropriate NIAMS Program Director prior to application to determine the suitability of the project for the R21 mechanism.