October 12, 2016


Hispanic Scientists Enrich NIAMS Research

Hispanic Scientists

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the NIAMS is celebrating Hispanic and Latino contributions to science, and highlighting the importance of having people from diverse backgrounds participate in research, both as investigators and as patients. We asked a few NIAMS researchers of Hispanic/Latino descent to share their perspectives about diversity in clinical research.

NIAMS Interns Share Their 2016 Summer Experiences

NIAMS intern 2016

The NIAMS offers a Summer Internship Program that provides outstanding opportunities for high school, undergraduate, graduate and medical students contemplating a career in biomedical research or academic medicine. Our 2016 summer interns received career mentoring from NIAMS researchers, attended lectures and symposia, engaged in basic and clinical research, and gained notable experience that will help them pursue their career goals. Students described their experiences in their own words.

Image: 2016 summer students with Dr. Robert Walker, Chief of the NIAMS Career Development and Outreach Branch (center, back row), and Dr. Stephanie Mathews, Scientific Program Manager (3rd from left, back row).


National Institutes of Health (NIH) Establishes New Research Program to Address Health Disparities of Chronic Diseases

The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) has launched the Transdisciplinary Collaborative Centers for Health Disparities Research on Chronic Disease Prevention program. This program responds to the need for more robust, ecological approaches to address chronic diseases among racial and ethnic minority groups, underserved rural populations and people of less privileged socioeconomic status, along with groups subject to discrimination who have poorer health outcomes often attributed to being socially disadvantaged.


ORDER NOW! Free Bilingual Fotonovelas on Sports Injuries and Osteoporosis

Isabel story and Ana story cover

Help your patients, family members and others learn tips for healthy bones and muscles with these engaging, easy-to-read bilingual (Spanish/English) fotonovelas.

Ana’s Story: How She and Her Family Learned About Sports Injuries

An afternoon in the park takes a wrong turn when Ana hurts her knee in a soccer game. Ana and her family learn the best way to treat a sports injury and how to avoid any future injuries.

Isabel’s Story: How She and Her Family Learned About Osteoporosis and Bone Health

Isabel didn’t know she had osteoporosis until she fell and broke her wrist. In this story, Isabel and her family learn tips for getting enough calcium and steps to take for better bone health.

Order copies (Spanish or English) and share these useful resources with your networks.

Be a Partner in Clinical Research: Help Others, Help Yourself Participe en la investigación clínica; Ayude a otros y ayúdese

People headshot

Did you know that you can participate in clinical research? Whether you’re healthy or sick, young or old, male or female, you’re probably eligible to participate in some type of clinical study. Maybe you or a loved one has an illness and you’d like to help scientists find a treatment or cure. If you’re healthy, you can help researchers learn more about how the body works or how sickness can be prevented.

Clinical Trials: What Patients Need to Know / Lo que los pacientes deben saber sobre los ensayos clínicos

A group of people

This resource helps people find answers to their questions about clinical trials, such as why they are done, who should consider participating and issues to consider before joining a trial.

NIH Now Offers Timely Zika Information in Spanish! / Información general sobre el virus del Zika

Family is fishing

The NIH now has information about the Zika virus available in Spanish through the NIH Spanish Health Information Portal.

NIH MedlinePlus Salud Magazine Special Issue: La osteoartritis y los hispanos Cómo reducir las desigualdades en la salud / Osteoarthritis and Hispanics: Reducing Health Disparities

NIH MedlinePlus Salud Magazine

This bilingual issue [PDF – 972 KB] includes NIAMS health information about osteoarthritis as well as a message from NIAMS Director, Dr. Stephen I. Katz.

We invite you to subscribe to the NIAMS Update e-newsletter for the latest scientific news and resources on diseases of the bones, joints, muscles and skin. The NIAMS also publishes the Honoring Health: Resources for American Indians and Alaska Natives e-newsletter, which is distributed three times per year and highlights a different health topic for each issue, along with helpful resources for community members and health professionals.
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